Hair Color Correction – The Essentials

According to the latest research from Statistics Brain,   69% of women say they feel more attractive right after having their hair colored. Hair coloring is a trend which is here to stay – the same data showed that 75% of women dye their hair in some form.   Home Versus Salon Hair Color Correction […]

Panel Color Techniques – Everything you Need to Know

Panel Hair Coloring

Panel coloring is a fantastic way of using color creatively to maximize the impact of your hair. Panel coloring takes highlights or lowlights to the next level by creating blocks or panels of color that are larger than the thin strands using colored during those processes. Panel coloring can be carried out in several different […]

Hair Color Removal – the Essentials

There can be many reasons for wanting to remove a color that has been applied to hair, as hair color specialist Rodney Gentry is aware. Operating from the Sachi Studio’s in Scottsdale AZ, Gentry offers personal color consultations to male and female clients. Many have previously colored their hair and are looking for a change. […]

How to Take Care of Hair Colors at Home

Coloring hair is a practice which dates back thousands of years. In ancient Rome, both men and women dyed their hair. Dyes were simple and made from products such as leeks and boiled walnuts. Colors were changed both for personal preference and, as in ancient Greece, where hair was lightened using bleaching agents, to appear […]

Rodney Gentry Applies His Incomparable Hair Styling and Color Techniques to Fine Hair and Makes it Look Gorgeous.

Rodney Gentry, the hair styling and color expert, now offers unique hair styling and color techniques for fine hair and makes it look awesome. Rodney Gentry, the famous hair stylist, brings to Scottsdale the perfect hair styling and color techniques exclusively for fine hair that make it look more voluminous and gorgeous. Thin hair is always in […]

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